Yellow Discharge After Period or Pregnancy: Odor, Smell, itchy?

Yellow Discharge After Period or Pregnancy Odor, itchy 7 Top Causes

Last updated on July 26th, 2018 at 06:23 pm

Are you experiencing yellow discharge after period? Do you notice any smell, odor or vaginal itching?

Most women begin to worry when their vaginal discharge changes color from white to light or dark yellowish discharge.

The truth is, in some women, a yellowish vaginal discharge may indicate there is something wrong down there and possibly may be a sign of an infection.

Having said that, a lot of women will have yellowish discharge after period with no itching or odor, and it is not due to any medical issue.

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, severe yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis are common sexually transmitted diseases that can cause women to have a yellowish discharge from their vagina.

If you are not sure what’s normal or abnormal, it’s important you see a doctor very early. This is necessary because not treating a vaginal infection may result to life-threatening complications later in life.

Women that develop miscarriage, low birth weight babies, ectopic pregnancies and pelvic inflammatory disease are related to an untreated vaginal infection.

In fact, in an ectopic pregnancy, infections affect the fallopian tubes through upward spread from the vagina with resultant tubal damage.

This article explains the causes of yellow discharge from the vagina after menstruation, when it’s likely due to an infection and when it’s NORMAL.


What is the normal vaginal discharge color I should have?

It’s normal to see your vaginal discharge on your panties during your menstrual cycle. It’s important you ask these questions to know when something is wrong.

  • Is your discharge whitish, yellowing or greenish?
  • Do you feel vaginal itching?
  • Any vaginal soreness?
  • Do you have fever and pain in your belly?
  • Do you feel pain while urinating?

The cervix normally produces a vaginal discharge that is usually whitish or yellowish in color. In fact, your vaginal discharge, produced by the cervix glands, help clears out dead vagina cell and epithelial tissues, keeping your vagina clean and healthy.

The bacteria, lactobacilli, is another reason you do not have vaginal infections. They protect your vagina by producing hydrogen peroxide that keeps your vagina acidic.

If your discharge is whitish or yellowish after your menstrual period with no odor, itching or smell, there is no reason to panic.


Causes of yellow discharge after period?

If you’re having light or brown yellow discharge after your period is over, here are possible causes

1.  Normal vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge can come out from your vagina in different colors. Commonly, a milky whitish discharge is deemed healthy by a lot of women.

Excessive whitish discharge can change its color to yellow after direct exposure to air. This happens as a result of oxidation, and it’s normal.

The absence of vaginal itching, soreness, smell and odor down there means there is no problem if you have a yellow vaginal discharge.

What to do?

If you experience a yellowish vaginal discharge with no smell or odor, you should improve your hygiene by taking your bath at least twice daily. Also, cotton panties, rather than synthetic nylon pants, will help too.

2.  Uterine contractions after menstrual period

During menstruation, your body usually pushes endometrium through your vagina that comes out as period blood.

Some women may not totally expel the endometrium during period. This can come out later after your period has ended in a black, dark or brown yellowish vaginal discharge.

If you feel no itching or foul smell down there, mild belly pain few days or weeks after period with yellow vaginal discharge is due to your endometrium expelling old endometrial tissues.

3.  Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a well-known infection that affects millions of women every year. Don’t get me wrong, chlamydia could affect men too, and in fact, men are more symptomatic than women.

The fact that you do not show any other signs of an infection does not mean chlamydia is absent. If you’ve engaged in oral, anal, rectal or vaginal sexual intercourse with multiple partners, there is a high chance you will have chlamydia.

Usually, it takes some time ( about three weeks) for women to begin having symptoms, though, chlamydia can lie dormant for month and years without any symptoms at all.

If you’ve not always used a condom while having sexual intercourse, your yellowing discharge may be due to chlamydia infection.

More than 50 – 80 percent of women will not show symptoms of chlamydia infections, however, if they do, they will experience

  • Yellow colored vaginal discharge that is smelly
  • Frequent spotting between menstrual periods
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Pain after sexual intercourse
  • Pain while menstruating
  • Fever and waist pain

The truth is, chlamydia infection can be very dangerous in the future if not quickly treated. It may cause pelvic inflammatory disease that can result in tubal pregnancy, infertility in women, chronic lower abdominal pain, and increased chance to catch HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

What to do?

First of all, telling your doctor is the easiest way to be sure if your abnormal vaginal discharge is as a result of a chlamydia infection.

After testing and culture, if it comes out positive, it’s important you take medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Also, if you have chlamydia and yellow discharge, it means your partner has the infection too.

Testing and treating your sex partners, avoiding unsafe sexual practices, consistent condom use and totally abstaining from sexual intercourse are some ways to prevent future chlamydia infections.

4.  Yeast infection

If you experience a yellow discharge after period with itching and pain, there is a chance you could have a yeast infection.

Normally, yeast infection is usually whitish in color and looks like cottage cheese (easily described as a thick clumpy discharge).

A severe yeast infection may cause vaginal soreness and spotting, which may cause a pink yellowish discharge from your vagina.

It’s best to inform your doctor and take medications as prescribed.

Risk factor for a yeast infection are

  • Weak immune system (due to HIV or cancer)
  • Previous use of very strong antibiotics
  • Taking steroids
  • Pregnancy
  • Vaginal douching

If you have yeast infection, you may experience the following symptoms

  • Burning sensation in your vagina area
  • Severe itching and vaginal irritation
  • White clumpy discharge
  • Pain during sexual intercourse

What to Do?

Gram staining and wet examination are investigations carried out to determine if you have yeast. If you do, and you are not pregnant, drugs like fluconazole, Canesten cream and nystatin are helpful.

At the same time, you should stop vaginal douching an unnecessary use of antibiotics.

Other reasons for a brown yellow discharge after menstruation are

5.  Bacterial vaginosis..see here

6.  Gonorrhea infection..see here

7.  Trichomoniasis.. see here


What causes yellow discharge after period no odor?

If you have yellowish-like discharge after menstrual period ends with no odor, it could be due to

  • Normal vaginal discharge that gets oxidized on exposure to room air
  • Uterine contractions after period ends
  • Yeast infection


What causes smelly yellow discharge after period with odor and itching?

  • Yeast infection
  • Chlamydia infection
  • Gonorrhea infection
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Vaginal douching
  • Low immunity due to HIV infections
  • Cancer


Yellow discharge after period: Am I Pregnant?

It’s possible yellow discharge after period will be due to pregnancy, and this happens because of implantation bleeding.

Normally, bleeding due to implantation will occur before your next menstrual period.

If you have a yellowish vaginal discharge and experience breast pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and mood changes, it could be pregnancy.

Talk to your doctor for advice.

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1 Comment

  • Kemi Ayeni Reply

    Hello,have been having itchy vagina for weeks now,coupled wit yellowish discharge but no foul smell.though before d itchy started I stopped using d feminine wash have been using for years now ,so I thought I was reacting to that but after taking medication for sti and yeast infection it still won’t go away,I took fluconazole,azythromycin and sensazole but it won’t still go away ,even used antiinflammatory cream I went to d hospital and d doctor I meant recommended I carry out abdominal/pelvic scan and also run hvs and urine MDS.have done the scan and it showed no sign of infection but am waiting for d result of d other two test.meanwhile have been taking piriton at night cos of d itchy so I can at least sleep and not feel d itching, pls what should I expect or do

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