Early Abortion at 3 Weeks: 2 EASY Ways (4 Reasons To Worry)

Early Abortion at 3 Weeks 2 EASY Ways (4 Reasons To Worry)

Last updated on July 26th, 2018 at 05:39 pm

Questions: How can I stop a pregnancy after 2 weeks? What are the safety tips and tablets for abortion at 3 weeks?

Teenage girls, and also older women, find themselves in a position to have sexual intercourse with their partner to express love and emotions.

If you do have sex with your partner and failed to use a condom or other birth control methods, you can get pregnant.

An unwanted pregnancy can be a reason to panic especially when you and your partner are not prepared for a baby. Worst still, in some countries, premature termination of pregnancy is criminal, and this makes everything complicated.

The truth is, if you are 2 or 3 weeks pregnant, there are many safe ways you can stop a pregnancy. In fact, if your pregnancy is within 7 weeks and you want an abortion fast, it’s easy for your doctor because the risk of complications are minimal.

There are different ways to end a pregnancy, and depending on the age of your pregnancy and expertise of your doctor, drugs may be used (medical abortion) or surgical procedure performed (surgical abortion).

Either way, in the first trimester, medical and surgical abortion is possible and has a better outcome than in the later stages of pregnancy.

If abortion is legal in your country, it’s important to see a doctor right away. In the United Kingdom, two health professional will determine if you are qualified for an abortion or not.

The chances will be higher if continuation of the pregnancy will affect your health or cause permanent injury to your body. Also, if there is evidence that indicates your baby will suffer mental and physical disabilities in life, an abortion may also be accepted.

On the other hand, some other countries do not accept any form of abortion whether there is a risk to your health or your baby.

Here’s an email I received from one of my readers

Hi, Doctor Dunn

I am 18 years old and I don’t know how to explain this to you, but I need advice on what steps to take.

I’m from the Dominican Republic and abortion is not allowed in my country. I recently found out am pregnant and took misoprostol tablets for an abortion. I have been bleeding for a week now and I still see heavy clots coming out from my vagina?

What can I do to stop bleeding?

This article explains easy ways to get rid of pregnancy after 3 weeks, when to worry and signs that indicate serious complications.


Medical abortion at 3 weeks pregnant

If you are 3, 4, 5,6 or 7 weeks pregnant, is possible that you can quickly remove your baby through the use of drugs. Some of these medications can be taken through the mouth (orally), placed under the tongue, or inside the vagina or rectum.

Here are drugs that can successfully flush out pregnancy at 3 weeks

1.  Tablet Mifepristoneabortion-pill-mifepristone

In early pregnancy, two hormones are needed to ensure your baby survives in your womb without a miscarriage happening. Estrogen and progesterone play significant roles to keep your baby safe.

Mifepristone tablets (200mg – 600mg) are used in early pregnancy to block the effects of progesterone in your body. This drug, when used alone in 60 percent of women, can cause complete abortion. However, the success rate is higher when used in combination with misoprostol.

If you’ve taken mifepristone pills (or plan to take the medications), here are some side effects you can expect.

  • Light or heavy vaginal bleeding that may last for weeks
  • Mild or severe cramps in your lower abdomen
  • Lower back pain
  • Vaginal itching
  • Excessive vaginal discharge
  • Slight headache

If these symptoms continue to show up after three weeks of taking the medication, inform your doctor to be sure everything is okay.

2.  Tablet misoprostolmisoprostol to flush out pregnancy

Misoprostol is a well-known drug that helps in the prevention of stomach ulcers (Cytotec), the ripening of cervix during vaginal delivery, and treatment of excessive bleeding after childbirth.

Also, if you are trying to abort your baby very early in pregnancy, misoprostol can be used. If misoprostol is used alone to abort a pregnancy, the success rate is between 60 to 90 percent. However, if combined with methotrexate or mifepristone, abortion success rate is over 90 percent.

Side effects of misoprostol are

  • Vaginal bleeding and belly cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Transient fever and rigor (shaking of your body)
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain

3.  Tablet or injection methotrexate

Like mifepristone, methotrexate is best used in combination with misoprostol. It acts to kill the baby in-utero by detaching the baby and placenta from the wall of the uterus. If this happens, you are likely to have an abortion.

For increased success rate and less risk of infections, methotrexate and antibiotics are given on the first day, then in the next 3 – 7 days, vaginal or oral misoprostol is used for complete removal of pregnancy.

Side effects of methotrexate are cramping, vomiting, nausea, the passage of frequent watery stool, vaginal bleeding, and fever.


Surgical abortion at 3 weeks pregnant.

Apart from medical treatment of pregnancy, your doctor has other options to remove a baby from your womb if drugs fail. Surgical treatment in early pregnancy are

1.  Manual Vacuum AspirationMVA for Abortion

This is a worldwide accepted procedure that involves the use of a manually created vacuum to force out the content of your womb.

After adequate anesthesia (to prevent pain), your legs are separated, and your doctor identifies the cervix and passes a rubber tubing to suck out fetal tissues

Advantages – Manual vacuum aspiration technique removes pregnancy in more than 98 percent of women with very minimal complication if carried out in the first trimester.

Rarely, women may experience bleeding, vaginal and pelvic infections, cervical injury, uterine perforation and adhesions

2.  Dilation and evacuation

This is another surgical way you can abort a pregnancy at 3 weeks. It works by your doctor inserting an instrument into your womb, after adequate anesthesia, to gently remove fetal tissues

Possible complications that can occur are

  • Hemorrhage (excessive blood loss)
  • Vaginal infections
  • Endometritis
  • Cramps after Abortion
  • Cervical injury
  • Perforation of the cervix and uterus.


Abortion after 2 weeks: Whats Normal?

If you’ve had an abortion in early pregnancy, you should understand what’s normal or abnormal in the weeks ahead.

1. Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding is common after abortion and may be heavy after taking drugs. After a surgical abortion, you will have light spotting for some time.

2.  Belly pains

Cramping pains in your tummy, that may be severe like period cramps, may radiate to the left side or right side of your abdomen.

If cramps continue non-stop or get very intense, see a doctor for evaluation.


Abortion after 3 weeks: When to worry

  • Excessive vaginal bleeding that makes you change your sanitary pas twice or more in an hour
  • Severe excruciating abdominal pain
  • Abdominal distention with pain
  • Foul smelling discharge that is yellow-greenish in color
  • Vaginal itching
  • Fever that is lasting for days to weeks
  • Big blood clots from your vaginal with heavy bleeding


Is Abortion at 2 weeks pregnant possible?

At 2 weeks pregnant, it’s impossible you can have an abortion. At this time, you are ovulating, and you are not even sure you’ve had a baby in your womb.

Most times, women confuse a 2 weeks late period as being pregnant for 2 weeks. If you are 2 weeks late, it means you are 6 weeks pregnant, and all options discussed here can successfully carry out an abortion at 6 weeks.


Abortion at 4 weeks pregnant

At 4 weeks pregnant, you can successfully have an abortion with fewer chances of complications. Drugs like mifepristone, misoprostol, and methotrexate can be used. Alternatively, your doctor may opt for surgery through the use of vacuum tube or D & C (Dilation and Curettage).

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1 Comment

  • Ann Reply

    Had my period on 28march to 1april and noticed I was pregnant on 24april, did abortion with pills and injection but noticed a neck and jaw pain after. Slight headache and tiredness. Do I need to be worried? Thanks

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