Negative Ovulation test: When Is The Best Time To Check?

Negative ovulation test

Last updated on July 26th, 2018 at 05:05 pm

Question: Can I have a negative ovulation test and still ovulate? What are the main reasons for negative test on day 14?

There are many actions a woman will take when trying to conceive. The first step is to see a doctor or visit a fertility clinic to be sure everything is okay. If you’ve seen a doctor by now, he/she should be able to determine if there is any major reason you are yet to conceive.

But here’s the thing; Most women may not even need to see a doctor, and this is only possible if you can track you fertile period on your own.

To conceive easily, there are different tools you can use, and ovulation test kit is one of them. However, it becomes troubling when you have a negative test for months, and you are believably thinking if you are ovulating in the first place.

The truth is, most women with a negative result actually ovulate; So, relax and don’t panic.

There are many reasons you could have a negative result, and most times it is due to taking your test at the wrong time of the month. It’s also possible that you failed to follow instructions on your ovulation kit and this could range from poor testing technique to inability to understand what a positive result looks like.

Having said that, there is a chance that you may not be ovulating, and if you think that’s probably the case, it is important you see a doctor for thorough examinations and investigations.

This article explains possible reasons for a negative result and simple steps to take to get a positive result.


Why do I have a negative ovulation test?

There are many reasons for a negative ovulation result. As already mentioned, you do not have to panic; And like most women, it’s likely you did not take you test at the right time.

Here are the reasons why your test is negative

1. You missed the LH surge

LH means luteinizing hormone and it is the hormone that is being checked by your ovulation strip. For ovulation kit to pick your fertile period, it searched for this hormone in your urine.

Here’s the thing, before ovulation happens there is a complex interplay of hormones in your body, and a sudden rise of LH occurs right before ovulation.

Usually, this rise can last for hours or days, with some women experiencing positive ovulation result for 2 or 3 days in a row.

Having said that, the duration of LH surge varies among women, meaning that, it’s possible that LH surge only happens for hours (instead of days).

In fact, this spike in luteinizing hormone may occur around a 10-hour period, which means, if you’ve missed the test around the period, you will have a negative result

How to fix

If you’ve now had negative ovulation test for 2, 3, or 4 days in a row, it could be due to short-lived LH surge. So, its best you repeat your test every 10 hours during your fertile period.

To easily identify your fertile period, you can use this calculator.

2.  You don’t know how to interpret your results

Ovulation test reader may be difficult for you to understand. First of all, its always recommended that you must read the instructions carefully on your kit you’ve purchased. This is enormously important to prevent a false negative or positive result.

I normally recommend the first response ovulation kit because it is accurate, and also, very easy to use.

You only need to get urine in a container (your early morning urine is preferred for the test), and then, dip the test-strip into the container for about 5 seconds.

A positive result means you have 2 lines, while a negative result means you will see a single line.

How to fix

Read your strip carefully before you start your test. If you see a single line on your strip, it means its a negative result. if you have double lines on your kit, it means its a positive test. Also, if you do not see any line on your strip after testing, it shows the test-kit is bad and not working properly.

3.  You do not understand your menstrual cycle

For a majority of women, they have a cyclical pattern of seeing their menstrual period every month, and most times, it comes every 28 days.

Menstrual cycle length varies among women, and yours could surprisingly be longer or shorter than 28 days.

This means it is possible for you to have your monthly periods every 21 -35 days (that is, shorter than 28 days) or 28 – 35 days (longer than the usual 28 days).

Therefore, it’s important you determine what is normal for you. This is because, if you don’t, you will continue having a negative test result.

One easy way to determine your fertile period is through a menstrual cycle chart. You simply record the first day of your menstrual period for a long period of time (usually 6 months).

After that, you only need to calculate the number of days between 2 periods to ascertain the length of your menstrual cycle.

For example, if you have a 32 days cycle (that is, you get your period every 32 days), it means that your expected ovulation will happen 14 days earlier. So you have to start testing 3 – 4 days prior to your ovulation day.

4.  Hormonal imbalance may have shifted your ovulation date

If you have successfully identified your expected day of ovulation, and yet, you still have a negative result, there could be other reason its happening.

Your ovulation is mainly controlled by a variety of hormones. And the truth is, any imbalance in your hormones can either delay ovulation date or make it come earlier than expected.

Conditions that could possibly cause hormonal imbalance are stress, extreme quick loss of weight, eating problems and acute illness.

5.  You are not ovulating at all

If you have done everything right and still have a negative result, it’s possible that you are not ovulating.

There are many ways to know if you are not ovulating (besides a negative ovulation test): Some are a negative pregnancy test with absent period for months, menstrual cycle length that is longer than 35 days or shorter than 20 days, and if your menstrual cycle is completely irregular.

How to fix

Most times, its difficult to tell the reason why you are not ovulating. It’s best to see your doctor for help.




Why do I have negative ovulation test on day 14 (ovulation day)?

A negative test on day 14 does not mean you are not ovulating. It could happen if hormonal change cause disruption of your normal menstrual cycle.

Also, it is possible that your menstrual cycle is not 28 days, meaning that, on day 14, you are not in your fertile period.

In addition, there is also a chance that you’ve missed your LH surge by not taking you test as you should.

Can I have a negative ovulation test and still ovulate?

Like previously mentioned, you can miss your LH surge and get a negative result while you are still ovulating.

So, don’t panic. If you are sure you are already in your fertile period and experiencing ovulation symptoms (discussed here), you should have regular sexual intercourse with your partner.

Negative ovulation test result but still got pregnant?

If you’ve gotten pregnant despite a negative ovulation test result, this may cause you to panic especially if pregnancy is not desirable.

First of all, a negative ovulation test is not a contraceptive method, and if you are trying to avoid getting pregnant, ovulation kit is completely unreliable.

This is because there are many factors that could result in a negative test when in reality you are ovulating. If this happens, and you have unprotected sexual intercourse, you can get pregnant.

Negative test but cervical mucus, I’m I ovulating?

There are different signs to predict and detect ovulation is about to occur. Cervical mucus just before your ovulation date is a sign you are in your fertile period.

So, if you have a negative result with watery cervical stretchy mucus, it’s a sign you are in your fertile period. If you are trying to conceive, regular intercourse during this time will boost your chances of getting pregnant.

Negative ovulation test after positive result?

If you are worried why you have a negative result after a positive ovulation test, then you shouldn’t. Your LH surge only last for hours or a few days, and thereafter, you will get a negative result.


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