How Long After Period Do You Ovulate?

how long after period do you ovulate

Last updated on July 27th, 2018 at 05:20 pm

Question: How long after period do you ovulate?

When a woman ovulates after period is dependent on

  • The length of period cycle,
  • If period cycle is regular or not
  • Factors that affects menstruation like stress, drugs, and exercise.


What is the normal period cycle length

Period cycle is the number of days between periods. Because it may vary from woman to woman, it’s important to calculate what’s normal for you.

Let’s say you normally have period every 30 days. This means that your period cycle length is 30 days.

The truth is, most women do have periods every 28 days. So, understanding what’s normal for you is important to predict when after period you will ovulate.

To calculate period cycle length, you have to monitor or chart the first day period starts for about six months.

To check if your cycle is regular, count the number of days between periods. Though it’s possible your period cycle will be either longer or shorter in some months, you can tell if it’s regular or not.


Next, what is ovulation signs after period?

Ovulation takes place the moment your ovaries lets out one or more ova into the Fallopian tubes. The process of ovulation easily creates an environment to get pregnant. Usually, between 12 and 14 days before your next period, you are very likely to ovulate.

This means that, if you can possibly tell when menstruation will come next, you can predict next ovulation date.


How to predict when menstruation will occur next?

Now, you can calculate your period cycle length and know if it’s regular or not. If your period cycle is 28 days and regular, count forward 28 days from the first day of last period to get your expected next period.

Lets say your period is regular and comes every 28 days. If today is 1st of March and your period started now,  you can predict your next period to start on the 29th of March. Easy, right?


How to predict when ovulation will occur?

Because most women ovulation occurs 12 or 14 days before menstruation will start, you should just count 14 days backwards from your predicted next period.

Now, from the instance above. Expected next period is on the 29th of March. 14 days counted backwards is 15th of March, when you’re likely to ovulate.


Signs that shows you’re ovulating

You may also check your body sign to know if you’re ovulating. Women can know or feel ovulation by different symptoms. Some easy ways are:

Basal body temperature or BBT

BBT is more accurate if you can be disciplined and regularly chart your daily temperature very early in the morning. It’s vital to check daily after you’ve had enough time to rest and before daily activity starts.

Basal body temperature can predict ovulation by fall in temperature. After ovulation, your body temperature changes again. If there rise in temperature in your chart, it indicates you’ve ovulated.

Your vaginal discharge

One of the easiest ways to predict your safe days and ovulation days is your discharge. Between 2 periods, vaginal discharge will have different thickness and volume.

During ovulation, vaginal mucus is very watery and slippery. You can tell it’s stretchy and watery by dipping your finger into you vagina.

If your discharge is still creamy and thick, it’s not ovulation discharge.

Cramping that occurs in the middle of your cycle

When ovulation occurs, some women do feel mild pain that does not last long. It’s unlikely ovulation pain is severe. However, if your cramps during ovulation is severe, it could mean other medical issues like endometriosis or adenomyosis.

Ovulation cramping occurs about 12 to 14 days before next menstruation starts.

Brown discharge 2 weeks before next menstruation

This is not a general symptoms during ovulation. However, in some women, it is a sign you’ve ovulated. It happens after ovarian follicle ruptures and bleed.

Other ways to know you’re ovulating are

  • Cervix after ovulation that becomes low and hard
  • Soft, high cervix while ovulating
  • Breast pain and swelling
  • Feeling the urge to have intercourse
  • Increased sense of smell and taste


How long after period do you ovulate?

Now we know what period cycle means, how to predict next period and how to know next ovulation date.

Next, how to calculate how many days after period do you ovulate.

Period length can vary from woman to woman. Most women have period for about 5 days. It possible your period is shorter or longer. However, normal length for period is two to seven days.


How many days after period do you ovulate if your period cycle last 28 days?

If you have a regular 28 days cycle, we can predict your next period and next ovulation.

Lets say period started 2nd of March, your next period and ovulation days respectively are 30th and 16th December. If your period normally last for 5 days, it stops on the 7th of march which is 9 days before ovulation.



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